
Developing a cycling culture for a multimodal city.
The case of Braga is extremely suitable for the BICIFICATION project, since it is a city that now aims to develop a cycling culture. Braga gathers all the conditions to become a cycle-friendly city, but in the past it was dominated by cars, due to policies of easy accessibility and parking in the centre. Braga is really undertaking the mission to change it and it has just finished the development of a SUMP and developed a cycling network. It will also create “tactical urbanism” projects, using temporary interventions and involving the community and local groups to change their perspective of public space. The pilot demonstration will be coordinated by the Municipality, with the involvement of the Local Group for Mobility. The pilot demonstration will cover an area of bout 20 km2 and its cost will be covered by Structural Funds, Social Funds and the Municipality budget. Braga will disseminate the activity for attracting users and it will assess its results and viability.

The first megacity.
The pilot demonstration in Istanbul will be coordinated by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM), which is responsible for the local administration of the entire provincial territory that spans a total area of 5,343 km2. Under the roof of IMM, the Smart City Department, the Transportation Planning Department and the Bicycle Chief will be the main involved stakeholders. One important aim of IMM aims to promote active mobility modes and support local shops and with these expectations participates in the BICIFICATION project. Within the project IMM will contribute by validating the use cases, disseminating the new scheme for reaching the users and finally rewarding them. The rewards will be given through the IstanbulCard, which is a transportation card, also used for financial social supports in the City of Istanbul. The pilot will cover the whole city and it will give Pin Bike the chance to have for a first time a scheme in a megacity.

Active mobility for climate neutrality.
Tallinn’s pilot will be coordinated by the Municipality. Tallinn’s main mobility issue is that there is a disproportioned usage of private vehicles compared to active modes (53% of residents use their own vehicles and only 4% use a bicycle). However, the Municipality has developed the Tallinn 2035 Strategy, which has 6 major domains, two of which directly support the project:
a) Tallinn is healthy and actively moving, where the goal is to reduce the number of private vehicles and increase active modes,
b) Green Turn, where the goal is to increase residents’ climate-neutral daily activities and adopt circular economy philosophies.
Tallinn is also willing to launch a concept (Green Card 2.0), working like a City Loyalty Card. You earn (redeemable) points by engaging in climate neutral modes or other activities contributing towards climate neutrality. BICIFICATION directly contributes to this concept launch and generates additional synergy between the two initiatives.